
Day 1: 01 October

Curly: Do you know what the secret to life is? (holds up finger...) This!
Mitch: Your finger?
Curly:  One thing.  Just one thing.  You stick to that and the rest don't mean [anything].
-City Slickers

"...and my soul wells up with Hallelujahs."
- Chris Rice, Hallelujahs


This week you told me about the most important decision you will ever make in your life.  I don't know when you made this decision, but you told me just after our "butterfly kisses" and bedtime prayers.  I will never forget that moment.  At seven years old, you've found the One Thing; a Daddy couldn't  be prouder.  But now begins the preparation--preparation for the adventure of the life you have chosen.  Your choice will not make your life easy, but it will make it worth living.  You have someone to live for, even someone to die for (though I pray that doesn't happen for a long, long time!).

Let me tell you that Daddy didn't make this choice until I was 22.  Like you, I didn't fully comprehend what it meant at the time, and I'm still learning each day.  It certainly hasn't made my life any easier, but it has made my life richer.  It has helped me appreciate life, even when it doesn't seem fair (and you have an enhanced bent for injustice--"It's not fair!" is your favorite line...maybe that's part of being the middle child?).  After making this decision, I've had many ups (e.g., I married Mommy, I watched the birth of you, your brother, and sister, we've had many great vacations, and several family prayer times, etc.), and a few downs as well (e.g., a car accident, loss of a career, three scary hospital stays, managing a chronic health condition, etc.).  But through it all, it has been a wonderful ride.

So, Claire, let me join with the angels and sing Hallelujah.  Words can't express my joy.


p.s.  Grace--I know math can be tough.  The only thing I ask is that you slow down, and follow the directions.  This goes beyond math--it is a life lesson that I'm still learning.  I love you! 

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